Thanks to the insight of fifteen-year-old Blessed Carlo Acutis, who died in the concept of sanctity in October 2006 (, and to the generous and accurate research completed by the writer and journalist Nicola Gori, who also drew from various historical documents in the “Positiones” of persons whose cause for canonization is maintained by the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints, it was made possible to achieve this exhibition which presents 160 testimonies of Saints and of Mystics who have had visions of the Inferno (Hell), of Purgatory, and of Paradise. The exhibition is the fruit of careful and thorough research carried out on an international scale. The young Carlo was profoundly convinced that the rampant spread of sin in our times and the consequential loss of innumerable souls, are very often due to the disappearance of preaching on the Last Things. The experiences collected embrace all the centuries of the Christian era. Through this exhibition the visitors will be confirmed in the truth of the existence of the Inferno, of Purgatory, and of Paradise, the reality to which each person is called to after death. One is only left to visit the exhibit and immerse themselves with an open mind to the solicitations which these episodes provoke.
Vatican International Photographic Exhibition
Paradise, Purgatory and Hell
In cooperation with Antonia Salzano Acutis,
Curator of the Pontifical Academy Cultorum Martyrum and
President of the Institute of Saint Clement I Pope and Martyr,
the Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association
presents in English, complete with beautiful artwork, the following Exhibition:
Paradise, Purgatory and Hell
To view this exhibition in person, in the near future, the list of parishes that will be hosting this amazing exhibition and their dates will be posted here.
To view this exhibition online please visit
Scroll down to the bottom and click on the picture that says Paradise, Purgatory and Hell.
If your parish is interested in hosting this exhibition, please contact Carol Johns at 647-241-4699
carolhjohns at
Thank you and God Bless